Stock market: How to successfully trade stocks?

Stock market: How to successfully trade stocks?

Although they can be quite profitable, stock trading can also be a source of great disappointment in some cases. Depending on their skills, experience, and the trading system they choose, many professional traders manage to make large profits every year. If you want to do the same, then it's important to do it the right way. In this article, we provide you with information on how to trade stocks on the stock market.

What is the stock market?

Still called the stock exchange, the stock market is in reality a formal market in which the negotiation of the securities of a company is carried out, especially the equity.

Although they exist in different forms and sizes, they have common characteristics that usually include criteria and rules that must be respected if one wants to be a member. The stock market exists to allow many investors to buy and sell shares. It also offers the opportunity for companies to raise funds through the issuance of new shares. The list of the most famous markets is as follows:

  • The New York Stock Exchange where you can trade shares including Ford, the banking group Citigroup and Boeing;
  • The London Stock Exchange where you can buy and sell shares in Unilever, HSBC, and BP;
  • The Frankfurt Stock Exchange, where shares of major industrial companies such as BMW, Thyssen Krupp, and Daimler are traded.

The stock market is mainly composed of two parts: the primary market and the secondary market. While the initial sale of shares by a private company to the public takes place in the primary market, subsequent sales and purchases of company shares take place in the secondary market. In addition to the rules and regulations to be followed and the criteria to be fulfilled in order to join the company or individual stock exchange, there are also rules regarding the shares that can be traded on the stock exchange. This includes listing issues.

In addition, there may be limits on the extent to which prices may fall or rise during a trading session. In some cases, the exchange itself stands behind the various debts of defaulting members to clients. For an exchange to be successful, it is essential that it be recognized as fair and just. It must also be seen as a place where all information is clearly visible and public. It is also important to note that trading sessions take place at established closing and opening times.

Learning to Trade Stocks on the Exchange

One of the best ways to trade stocks is to hire an experienced and knowledgeable professional. Since there are so many reputable specialists out there today, you'll have no trouble finding the right stock broker to give you the best advice and help you make the best trades. If you want to do your own trading, there are many sites online that will help you with your trading. Apart from the fact that you will be able to better control your operations, being your own broker also offers you the possibility to save money.

By giving a stock exchange order, you can also buy or sell a share on the stock market. This solution allows you to make a stock exchange transaction at the best price. Keep in mind, however, that the transaction may take some time when the market is moving quite fast. You may therefore obtain a price that is quite different from the one you had originally considered. Here, the idea is to opt for the use of a stop-loss order. This is actually an order that has a limit. If it is for example a protection sale, you will be able to determine the rate at which you want to sell, which will prevent you from losing money.

You can also opt to use a trailing order. This is an order that has a lower or upper limit at which stock should be sold or bought. However, instead of remaining fixed, the price is at this level indicated as a percentage. Since it greatly limits the various risks that are associated with the volatility of the different prices, this solution offers some security to the investor.

Proceed to the transactions

Here, it is crucial that you have enough money in your account. This means that you will need to make sure that you have the amount of money you need to start trading and also maintain an account. For example, the Federal Reserve requires that anyone who trades in the stock market must have at least half the cost of the stock they intend to buy in their account. Their interest percentage will also have to be one-quarter of their total investments. Also, keep in mind that the stock market can change very quickly and that the quote you have may not be up to date. In order to be sure to conclude an excellent transaction, the ideal would be to find a service thanks to which you will be able to have real-time prices.

Also, to ensure successful trading, take the time to read the various stock quote tables. Although these tables are excellent tools for evaluating stocks, you can sometimes face some difficulties during their interpretation. To do this, before you start, you should take the time to practice deciphering the information they contain. You will then be able to spot the most important numbers more easily. With this solution, your decisions can be made with full knowledge of the facts. As you might expect, the best thing to do is to buy stocks when prices are low and only sell them when they arise. While this is a good idea, it is not always applicable in reality. One of the reasons for this is that there is no way to predict with certainty when the stock price will rise. Ideally, you should buy stocks that are rising and then sell them before the price starts to fall.

In order to carry out good transactions, it is also essential to offer good prices for both the purchase and the resale. If the proposals you make are not realistic, you will have many difficulties both at the time of purchase and during the sale of the shares. You should therefore be reasonable and not expect to get a share above or below the current market value. You should also avoid relying solely on the price of the stock. It is advisable to take the company as a whole into consideration. To do this, find out about the company's performance and earnings beforehand. So, even if it is rather expensive, a stock may be worth it if the company is making a profit on a fairly regular basis. Also, be realistic, and don't think that the first investment you make will turn out to be the new Microsoft.

To be able to succeed in the long run, therefore, you will need to strive to choose the safest options and make the most suitable decisions. In addition, avoid fraud by being savvy. On the internet and in real life, many people try to sell bad stocks. If a deal looks too good to be true, you should be wary because it is probably a trap.

Have a good knowledge of the market

For a good knowledge of the market, you must first do some research. To do this, read as much as you can on the subject and regularly try to deepen the knowledge you have of the market. Once you have made your first transactions, it is also recommended that you carefully monitor the sectors in which you make your various investments. You will have to constantly follow the evolution of the market as well as that of the research. Also, find out about your company's competitors. Although it may seem tedious, it is important to take the time to be well informed and to think about it before you start. If you don't feel ready to do all of this, then opt for the services of a professional.

In order to be successful in stock trading, you should take the time to become familiar with the market. To do this, spend enough time observing the market to better understand how it works. Once you have a good grasp of how the market works, you can then finally take the plunge. At this point, you should of course carefully examine the different companies you decide to invest in. Before you buy shares in a company, make sure that it is sustainable and that it exists. Also, make sure you have enough information about the company's financial situation. If you have any doubts while looking for possible problems, do not hesitate to reconsider your decision. To avoid unpleasant surprises later on, you should :

  • Check the sales volumes, profits, equity, and debts of the company you want to invest in. While debt should be declining, sales, profits, and equity should be growing steadily over time.
  • Look at the dividend payout ratio, the capitalization ratio of all profits, the debt ratio and the return on equity of the company. This will give you a much clearer picture of its profile.
Once you've done this, the next thing to think about is the product. You will need to keep in mind that investors don't need fad events, but rather fairly safe options. Some of the necessities include medicines, oil, food products, and some technological equipment.

You should also think about long-term performance. One of the surest ways to make money is to invest in a way that makes money gradually. Stocks that grow quickly can also fall quite quickly. So take care to choose companies that have a track record of success and continue to perform at their best. This is especially important when you are just starting out in the business and trying to understand the market.

Doing good business

At this level, you need to think about using analysis. It will be necessary to learn to analyze in a technical way the information which you have. You also have to take into account the evolution of the price and the index of the share in order to better anticipate future results. For example, if a stock has been rising for about 6 months, its value may continue to rise, unless there is a contrary evolution of the data in the order book. Note that the most informed traders are very pragmatic and avoid relying on their feelings. Technical analysis is different - from fundamental analysis. Fundamental analysis is another way of selecting stocks in the stock market. While both have definite advantages, neither is a substitute for investing in security.

Also, watch for dips and peaks. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the concepts of support, tension, and resistance. In particular, resistance and support are considered key indicators for bottoming, price increases, and recoveries. Also, be consistent with your various trading rules. This is critical to profitability. Note that these rules will allow you to decide when to buy or sell your shares. Even if you lose sometimes, do your best to always follow these rules. Also, don't feel you have to trade every day. If you feel uncomfortable with a transaction, you should wait and watch to make the right decision.

In order to further your knowledge, you will need to find an investment game that uses fake money. Therefore, do not hesitate to take courses on this subject. Also, do what is necessary to be able to better familiarize yourself with stock market practice, decision making, and also the financial analysis. As much as you can, read as much as you can about stock market trading. Most stock traders who make large losses usually only read outdated books. They also only buy outdated indicators and systems without knowing that they are outdated and are most often used by the largest capital in order to crush small investors. Finally, you should start small and then increase the size of the business over time. Of course, you should not be discouraged if you make small losses at first.

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